About Us
Satoshi Miyoshi founded TK Wine as a second venture in 2008 while enjoying considerable success in the mobile phone business. He envisioned a luxury wines and spirits retailing service that would be unmatched in both its passion for the products they would distribute and the services they would provide to equally passionate customers.

All About TK Wine
TK stands for the Japanese word “Teikoku”, which means “imperial” and signifies the sort of liquors and wines we are interested in buying and selling. TK Wine works with private sellers to buy partial or entire collections, as well as the occasional special bottle of wine.
Est. 2008
Since our start in 2008, we have had the pleasure of buying from some of the best wine collections in the country. We have dealt in over five million dollars’ worth of wine and spirits, selling over 100,000 bottles. In only 6 years, TK Wine have become one of the world’s largest and most respected sources of fine and rare wines. TK Wine now has 6 offices worldwide with over 60 employees.
Why We Do It
Our passion for fine wine and for our customers drive us to greater heights. It’s this single minded passion that has made us what we are, and without customers like you we couldn’t have gotten as far as we have. We will always strive to give the best possible customer service and do the very best by those who trust and believe in us. Thank you for selling your wine with us!